The Vivian Hall

Events at the Hall

January 29, 2021


Whilst community events would be very welcome, events at the Hall are largely organised and run by groups and clubs that meet regularly at the Hall.


In 2024 we have put on a concert by the U3A Swansea Ukelele Band which was held in May and a Christmas Concert by the Gwalia Singers in December.

An exhibition of black and white photos showing Swansea in the 1950s and 60s taken from the Nielsen Collection was displayed in June. This was the work of students of Gower College.


Our first public event took place on Saturday 20th November 2021 when a 'Come and See Your New Hall' open morning took place. Everyone was invited to pop in, look around the Hall, meet the committee and enjoy refreshments and biscuits.

During the Hall’s Centenary Year in 2018 a number of events took place that included a Quiz Evening, Dance Evening, Murder Mystery Play and a Concert. Any ideas you have of the sort of event we could put on then let us know using the Contacts Page.

Further ideas for events in 2025 would be welcome.